Herculite Blog

Awning Fabrics

Choosing the Right Awning Style

Choosing exactly the right awning material and framing style for your specific situation requires a handful of information.

Antimicrobial Fabrics

Pressure Management Mattresses in Health Care

Pressure management ulcer prevention as well as prevention of other superficial skin injuries is a vital aspect of inpatient hospital care.

Antimicrobial Fabrics

Care and Cleaning Hospital Mattress Fabrics

Hospital mattress fabrics will wear with use. You can easily maintain by washing your hospital mattress with ideal cleaning solutions.

Awning Fabrics

Awning Fabric Choice Considerations

When it comes to awning fabrics, most people don't know where to begin . The considerations are many as are the applications of awnings.

Fabric Industry

Stepping Away from the Fiscal Cliff

Lets step away from the fiscal cliff with a positive attitude. Together in 2013 we can grow and prosper no matter what Washington throws at us.